
Monthly Archives: July 2009

Down at the Swahili Cultural Centre in Mombasa testing the Seacom undersea cable. Just watched a live address from Tanzania, awaiting another from the other simultaneous launches across South Africa, Uganda and Mozambique.

Am sure what y’all want to know is the speeds: I just did a on it and ping 387ms, download 5mb mp3 file 39sec, 35mb video 5min.

Also awaiting address from Tanzania President Jakaya Kikwete. Video quality is amazing, no delays, perfect.

All IT types I have shared details on Twitter with amazed at the speed. Actually most are unbelieving if it is actually happening.

First, that title is misleading. There is no actual moving on happening around here.

First, who is filling KBW with useless job advertisements? It is so irritating that am hit by endless vacancy announcements. Is it just me or…

So I marked another birthday yesterday. Marked is really the wrong word to use, considering that besides the midnight Harry Porter premiere, my day was craptacularly usual. I dont feel any much older, yet. It normally grows on me in the succeeding months. But its good to be officially older by a year, goes a long way in being taken as a ‘serious Kenyan.’

Oh, the movie? Dumbledore dies in the Half Blood Prince. I was shocked when I saw it. So I came back to the office the next day and at least two guys know I have read the book.

I have selective memory loss? I forget.