
Monthly Archives: January 2008

You will (rightly) accuse me of singling out the death of one MP against the background of hundreds more who have been killed in the last few weeks. I do not, I grieve for every single on of those innocent Kenyans who have had to suffer the wrath of the selfishness of our ‘leaders.’

I happened to talk to one of the late Melitus Mugabe Were Embakasi constituents who explained to me that despite belonging to a different tribe and party, she voted for him because of who he was; a down-to-earth, partriotic, loving and dedicated person. Clearly, a Kenyan in the true sense of the word.

And all those 600 or so who have been slaughtered mercilessly for the benefit of the political class, who did not represent constituencies or have degrees in Communication, who looked after their families and taught others’ children, who were proud of their Kenyan-ness, who dreamed of a future now cut short, whose only sin was speaking the ‘wrong’ language in the ‘wrong’ place, God is not mocked.

I take great exception with this unbelievable BBC online story, but if it is in fact true, just where did the rain begin to beat us? What happens to me whose best friends are all from another tribe?

Raila Kibaki shake hands

Will a handshake solve our problems?

NB: A reader Ita graciously began a memories page for the late Were here. Do drop by and leave condolences etcetera. And thanks Ita.

There is a piece I did about Facebook coming up on the new phat site (you need to get there). That was until I stumbled upon this furiously funny(!) image on Justin Hartman‘s site, who also got it from somewhere else.

(Original image here)

Now isn’t this funny? If you are on Facebook, you will know why. Actually, its PensionBook.

Stay safe, will you?